McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Panama City, Panama

Crossed over into the last country we are visiting in Central America and in 2 long bus trips have come to Panama City. This is easily the most attractive of the capitals we have visited in this part of the world and is a bit reminiscent of Havana with its mixture of decay and relaxed noisy vibrancy. But there are also the very wealthy parts reflecting the money of the Canal, banking and other lucrative international practices.
We visited the Panama Canal today which was fabulous - watching huge ships negotiate these water ways with only 2 feet to spare on each side was great. And the visit included an excellent museum which extolled the virtues of the canal (while failing to mention the thousands who died building it or the politics surrounding its history - but it is a great thing)

The Panama city transportations are the "diablos rojas" (red devils) - vibrantly painted buses which roar through the streets never slowing for pedestrians or other traffic but stopping unexpectedly any old where for a passenger. Crossing the road here is an adventure and the occasional pedestrian crossings do not seem to serve any purpose other than to mislead tourists and other uninitiated naives. Another day spent dodging death successfully!