McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Volcano Mombacho,Nicaragua

The food remains well received on the Jim Lawless guided tour.

The highlight of the two days with Jim and friends from the kids point of view was a trip up the volcano near Granada where they do zip line tours. These involve being harnessed to a cable and swinging along 13 lines strung through the tops of the trees to platforms.

Both kids started off cautiously and Romany at first was attached to a guide but they both got more and more fearless. They finally both ended up solo, upside down and sometimes arms out in front in a superman pose. Needless to say the adults were much more circumspect and cautious in their approach. After all one is a long way up at up to 70m.

Thanks Jim, great outings ยท sorry you had to go back to work. And now the rest of us have to return to a backpackers lifestyle. But it beats working.