McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Travelled back over the spectacular road from Monteverde to Tilaran (declining all offers of expensive van,boat,van combos to travel on local buses to the childrens disgust) and on to the volcano town of La Fortuna. Arrived in pouring rain but (eventually) found a great hotel with a jacuzzi and swimming pool to hide out in for the rest of that day.
Following which with the luck of the Irish, the skies cleared beautifully by the next afternoon (the only p.m. we were there for) to allow us to go wandering over lava fields (kids on large volcanic rock at left), and through jungle to look at the local volcano. The volcano is apparently the 3rd most active in the world and at night you see it throw glowing rocks into the air and they cascade down the hill in a glowing river. Beautiful clear night meant we got a good view but no photographs. This one is not allowed to be climbed for obvious reasons.
This chap (3 toed sloth)was hanging out in a tree just near our hotel in Monteverde and belied his reputation by moving at a quite respectable speed through the trees to be within an arms reach. His 2 companions never moved at all over the 3 hours before nightfall but were gone next morning. We can confirm that Sloths smell!
And the local major bread distributor making bread for the intellectually disadvantaged.