McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Monteverde, Costa Rica

Crossed the border into Costa Rica and then spent 2 days going over hot and then very rough roads to get to the mountainous rainforests of Monteverde. Not surprisingly therefore it is seriously raining here for the first time on our trip.
The attractions here though are the beautiful cloud forest where on a tour today we saw the elusive and gorgeous quetzal as well as many hummingbirds, howler monkeys and a multitude of other birds and bugs. The local Pecary had also learnt that people equal free food.

While the rainforest was lovely the kids enjoyed even more getting up close and personal with insects at a local insectarium which also had tarantulas, enjoyed by Ciaran and a Hercules beetle with Romany. As well as the Hercules beetle, Ciaran is wearing what must be everyones favourite, the giant Costa Rican cockroach. There were also giant Preying Mantis',scorpions and various other giant bugs. Insect heaven!