McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Granada, Nicaragua

The weather remains very hot here but is being helped by the gradual onset of the rainy season with showers now most nights and occasionally briefly in the day. Granada is a lovely town, like Leon colonial architecture and churches but much better organised for travellers with lots of hotels, restaurants and tours. All the central buildings are painted in different pastel colours making for a lovely appearance.

And as in all good central American towns they have a local party shop full of piƱatas. And they all seem to have something against Spongebob (Bob Esponga in local terms).

We spent one day up at this volanic crater lake (Laguna de Apoyo) with crystal clear waters to swim in and perfect water temperatures.