McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The 4 days we spent on Easter Island were a fantastic holiday within a holiday. Having a wee house all to ourselves near the swimming hole and playground meant we could spread out and relax and take life at a very slow pace. Not to suggest we didnĀ“t do homework - it was a good chance to get our teeth into lots of learning. Romany and Ciaran's journals are looking wonderful.
We hired a car for a day and loved the freedom of touring on our own. It is unfortunate that our navigatinal skills (Susie) were not up to our driving skills (Blair) so we ended up on completely the other side of the island without meaning to! In my defence, there are few road signs. However, we enjoyed the lovely beach and the amazing stands of moai (statues). The highlight has to be the volcano quarry where you can see statues in all stages of evolution, including ones three times the size of any that have acutally been erected.
Yesterday was travel day and we arrived at La Casa Roja in Santiago, Chile in good order last night. We look forward to exploring today. When we told Romany about the Metro she was astonished: 'you mean there are trains which run underground??' - such naivety.
More pictures next time.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Easter island

Having survived an incredbily hot and expensive 24 hours in Tahiti, we had a short night on mediocre Lan Chile to fly to Easter island, where life started to improve.
The volcanoes are impressively young and raw and the occasional tropical downpour avoidable but spectacular.