McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

San Cristobal, Mexico

We have moved up into the mountains to the colonial town of San Cristobal. Being higher we suddenly have the odd experience of having to have blankets on the bed and wear our warm tops at night (sort of like a good Dunedin spring day it is sunny but cool in the shadows daytime and cool at night). But the town is lovely and the region is home to the very cool Zapatista guerillas (who donĀ“t shoot tourists which is good) but stand for Mayan independence and anti-globalisation.

We went on a great tour into the hills to visit the Mayan towns pictured below and may have finally found the right religion for Ciaran. A mixture of Mayan traditional beliefs and Catholicism where worship includes burping after coca-cola to expel evil spirits, using a lot of gunpowder and fireworks to make loud explosions and lighting lots of candles. He was a bit concerned about the regular chicken sacrifices in the church however (no photos allowed). The interior was extraordinary with no pews but pine needles covering the floor, literally hundreds of lit candles, on the floor and tables. There were many justifiably anxious chickens awaiting their fate and others past worrying. Many of the local people were praying, chanting and coke drinking. A wonderful experience.
We had an excellent guide up there definitely one of the highlights of our trip so far. He was part Mayan so able to give us a lot of insights as well as being very passionate about the cause.