McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Mexico; Playa del Carmen

Not all the beaches we visit here are beautiful white sand empty spots as in Cuba. We are now on the Cancun peninsula at Playa del Carmen - a winter get away for hoardes of Americans on package holidays. There is an adjoining avenue packed full of souvenir shops with very cheap alcohol so one can imagine the late night scenes here. Still it is warm , we have a hotel with a swimming pool and we are moving on tomorrow.

We left Cuba yesterday after 2 weeks that just kept getting better and better and by the end we were loving the music, bustle and good nature of the cubans. Here so far we are getting the mexican mariachi tortures and there are altogether too many white people wearing too little. The children are fabulous with both arguing over who gets to ask for the bill in spanish and loving the warm swimming weather everywhere. Romany can be seen in her new skirt above and Ciaran bought a sharks tooth necklace today.

However we are off to some mayan ruins tomorrow and very keen on that then heading south to Belize. Hasta Luego