McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


No photos for a while as the antiquated computers available in Cuba don't have USB ports.
We arrived in Havana to a modicum of culture shock. We had poor accomodation in a dirty backstreet, were tired and hungry, and one of our chilren looking around in wonder, asked if there had been an earthquake.
Havana is like that. Not so much faded grandeur as decayed grandeur.
But we found our feet and enjoyed the majesty of the amazing architecture, checked out a few of the dusty museums that proliferate, and then got the hell out there to Trinidad on the south coast.
This is nice! A pretty town with cobbled streets and a laid back attitude. We had our first experience of many, swimming and snorkelling in the gorgeous Caribbean. The temperature is fabulous, the food a vast improvement on Havana, and our hotel lovely. The senora in charge breaks into shrieks of delight every time Romany comes in.
In a couple of days we are off to Cienfuegos, before being brave enough to return to Havana (albeit with better accomodation).
Our Spanish is improving, but we miss about half of what is said to us. Classic mistakes: we have asked to touch a taxi (not take) and said how sister instead of how beautiful. And that's only the ones we are aware of!