McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Orange Walk, Belize

We came to the town of Orange Walk for one reason, it is the starting point for the Jungle River Tours trip to Lamanai (a Mayan site).
We turned up at 8.30am to see if we could go sometime in the next day or so, but we were on a boat and off by 9/30am.
The trip is a winding 32 miles up a jungle river, passing lots of birdlife, turtles, fruit bats and several iguana (cool). At the end of that there is lunch and a 3 hour guided tour of Lamanai, not the most impressive Mayan site but we had a guide who was so passionate and prodigiously well informed it was fascinating.
We got to climb one of the steep temples for the first time, with the view back over the river as you see. Although it is not obvious from the photo there is a 10 storey sheer drop behind us, and consequently Susie's fingernails are making dents in Romany's shoulder. Ciaran's highlight was coming down the temple stairs to find the trees full of howler monkeys just over our heads. He had been warned not to stand under them as they inclined to pee on you!
The guide told us not to run if we came face to face with a jaguar, but our nerve was not put to the test.
Currently staying (oddly enough) in a Japanese run hotel with aircon (yay!) and great Japanese food. It makes a change from beans and rice.