McLaw on Tour

McLaw family of Dunedin leave behind dog and house, take children away from computers and television and seek warmth, music and adventure in Central America.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Still Broome, WA

Tired of school work, the kids and Blair went out to play golf one morning while Susie works (again). Nice course and they got to take turns at driving until in Romanys words "I went crazy" after which Ciaran drove and Romany was in charge of the flags. Much safer that way.
Got loaned a 4WD by one of Susie's workmates so that we could do the locals thing of driving as far as you want along the beach which goes for more than 30km. Top down, standing up and swerving around the occasional all over sun tanners (it is known locally as the nudie beach). Then find a place where there is no one else to see and pick your own patch of perfect ocean to swim in.
The classic Broome non-locals thing to do is to catch a camel ride along Cable beach at sunset so you really just gotta. Sun going down on one side then moon coming up on the other and the smell of camel all around - lovely. Such pleasant animals with bad teeth and stinky breath but this is what one does in Broome.